The first big Age of Empires IV tournament of the second half of 2023 has concluded with a, some might say, unexpected outcome.
In a memorable grand-finals, LucifroN took Beasty (a player most people will consider top 2 these days, and thus, a favourite to win the competition) with a final score of 5-3. Each game was electrifying, and while most matches were mirrors, the Spanish player achieved victory through some unorthodox out-of-the-box strategies.
Before that, LucifroN managed to defeat the MarilorD (widely considered the other top 2 player) in a Best of 7 semifinals, where all 7 games were played. MarinelorD was either ahead by one game or tied with LucifroN during almost the entire series; but in an intense French mirror in Frisian Marshes, the Spanish player managed to win the final game.
This was the first time Luci won a major 1v1 event in AOE IV. As he stated in the interview after the victory, this tournament came as a big relief to him, since he had won majors in StarCraft II, Warcraft III and Heroes of the Storm, yet Age of Empires IV was still escaping from his achievement list.
His victory opens the door to a question most people have thought about already: who will be the next “new” champion? Will Luci’s brother, VortiX, achieve his first Major soon? Or will Bee, the creative player, win the next tournament? Maybe Mista, who recently came back to the scene, will get in shape and conquest the next competition. Of course, Beasty and MarineLorD are always candidates, and DeMu has already won a tournament, so it wouldn’t be strange for him to win again.
One thing is for sure: The level of Age Of Empires IV’s competitive scene is in his highest point ever.